Cork Spray – technical document

Using Notice :
Consumption. 1 bucket can will cover around 6 m² in two coats or 4 m² in three coats.

Open the can and remove the protective plastic film.
Mix the contents for around two minutes. You can add 10 to 20 cl of water if the contents are
too dry. If you opted for a pigment, this is the time to add it to the can.
Product ready to use.
Mask the surfaces that you don’t want to spray.
Connect the pistol to the tank with a hose. A 100-litre and 3 horsepower compressor are idea. The pistol’s air intake is 220 Litres /minute. Fill the pistol’s jar and press the trigger.

The first coat should be about 1 mm thick. You can apply the next coat as soon as the first coat feels dry when you touch it.
The second coat should also be 1 mm thick. Altogether there should be around 2 mm of cork on the sprayed surface.
If you want additional thickness, repeat the operation above for a third coat.
The them needed for drying depends on the type of surface to be sprayed and the
temperature and humidity of the air. Try to work in a well-ventilated space. In winter you should first heat the surface to be sprayed.
You can achieve a smoother surface by using a spatula on the final coat of cork before it
dries. To do this properly the preceding coat(s) must have been thoroughly dry. Contact us if you have any questions.
We recommend wearing a face-mask and protective clothing when you do the spraying.
Left-over cork and the tool you use can be cleaned easily with water.
Seacork Spray has been used successfully for ten years. We are constantly improving the product and we would like to hear about your experience with it.


Certificats de tests réalisés en laboratoire sur un revêtement Seacork liège projeté.

Perméabilité à l’eau liquide, Transmission de vapeur d’eau. Comportement : UV, cycles thermiques, fissuration.
Revêtement de façade XPT34-722 2-3mm Revêtement de façade XPT34-722 3-4mm Revêtement de façade XPT34-722 4-5mm Essai adhérence ciment – NF EN 1542

vidéo how to use Cork Spray